This is my first review and i'm going to start it off with a little story. I heard about Doom 3 for a little while before it came out for the PC and I was pretty hyped about it. I bought the collecters edition for almost 80 bucks Canadian which came with commentary and Doom II and the Ultimate Doom so it was a pretty sweet deal. Only when I got home and started playing did I realize that this wasn't a remake of the original Doom ( it would have been better that way). Instead I bought a generic shooter that wasn't even that good, Doom was supposed to be about fast paced action with frightining monsters (they actually scared me during my childhood) but this new Doom only has obnoxiously dark environments and some generic (I love this word) monsters that posed such little challenge that I tried to give my self a concussion so the game would be more fun! This game even ruined Quake 4 and Prey with it's horribly dull engine, talk about revenge from beyond the grave!
The classic Dooms that came with this crap were actually way more fun and I love the fact you play with the controller! Get those instead!
Gameplay Gameplay in Doom 3 is pretty simple but fun. You walk around, shoot monsters. That's pretty much it. You really never really run out of ammo so, unless you have a really bad aim, you really don't have to str... Read Full Review
DooM 3 for x-box proves itself to be better than the PC in several ways,but it also shares it's amount of areas that needed polishing. DooM 3's graphics are better in the PC version in several ways, First off,the blo... Read Full Review