After a month and everything considered doom 3 is worth the money.

User Rating: 8 | DOOM 3 PC
Doom 3 is a true oldschool shooter. You run around in this massive dark research center and kill hells minions. On any other graphics engine this game would have been a huge let down. The graphics engine alone is worth the buy. The mods that will spring from this game will make it worth the 50 or so bucks you will pay. As for the multiplayer it was a big letdown. Besides being very pretty to look at you find yourself running around and shooting that anything moves. And this is fun if i were stoned everytime I play but im not so unless mods add some variables and different forms of multiplayer (i.e. coop) the online play will disapear in a month or 2. To keep it short Doom 3 is worth the buy for the engine and cool environments but beyond that you just hope people take the engine and make some good mods.