Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil is an exceptional expansion pack that fans of the original will truly enjoy.

User Rating: 8.3 | DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil XBOX
DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil is actually quite a good game many players can enjoy. Anyone who likes FPS titles like Halo 2, Goldeneye, or Horror Survival type games like Resident Evil will truly value this great expansion pack. What was really good about this particular expansion was it was truly harder than the original DOOM 3. I personally found DOOM 3 to be somewhat on the easy side and was glad to see they made the new game's difficulty was significantly amped up. Although id added new weapons and new enemies, those weren't such a big difference in the overall gameplay. One particular bonus to the game is they added the original DOOM games (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, and Master Levels), something owners of the DOOM 3: Collectors Edition have already seen. So even after you complete the campaign mode you still have many other hours of good gameplay left to be seen. The one thing I would say is I wouldn't reccommend it to people who haven't played DOOM 3 because you wouldn't completely understand the story, and therefore it wouldn't be as enjoyable. But if you liked the original DOOM 3 game, I would say go down to the local game shop and pick this one up brand new for $20.