A solid shooter that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

User Rating: 8.5 | DOOM 3 PC
I played the demo for this game a while back, but didn't get it until recently. it's a good shooter with graphics that were groundbreaking at the time of release, and they can still hold their own today. the combat is decent enough, as you plough your way through wave after wave of zombies and other crazy creatures. the story isn't a big part of this game, so i won't say anything about it, the levels are usually pretty good, although they are occasionally repatative and confusing. the dificulty is standard. theres not much else to say about this game, other than the fact that it relies of shock horror to keep you on the edge of your seat. the horror in this game is pretty standard, less phsycological and more shock, which basically means that you will be scared by zombies popping out of dark corners. it still works well with the game, and relaxing while playing this one is somthing you won't be doing.