Big changes to fit the N64.Loses some elements.

User Rating: 7 | DOOM 64 N64
Doom a game that will be remembered as an artifact of first person shooters and modifications.Mindless violence has never been this good.

The N64 version has been changed widely,most people consider it a bad game but if you look closely into this game it's great.

The Story:It really doesn't matter since Doom games never focus on story except Doom 3.Basically it's just an easy way of reviving the series again.One demon survives and resurrects all the other demons that died in a nuclear strike.

Gameplay:This is where changes start to happen.A new imp which is translucent and the all powerful mother demon.

Traps have also been placed to give you frightening moments and a swift death.Don't expect to breeze through from experience from other Doom games.

The removal of four monsters made it easier than usual sometimes.You will still have panic moments but the taken away monsters may be for the beginner.

The new weapon and the demon artifacts are well worth the time spent collecting.There is another use for the laser.

Sound:Instead of rocking out and easily being able to take out demons while humming you get depressed in this games sound.From the demonic sounds which surround you to the gloomy and creepy music or sounds.Effects are really well used in this.

Graphics:No more pixelation so get ready to get scared at the new detail.Getting up close is no laughing matter anymore.Lighting is used well in particular environments like activating buttons and triggering jack in a box demon events which happen suddenly.