6.0?? Seriously??? You don't have to like this game, but you do have to respect it, and be thankful for it.
The fact is, this is an incredibly fun game. And if you want it to be, it can also be a challenging one. Also, they added a brand spanking new 9 level episode, which I thought was just as good as any other Doom episode I've played. To rate this game low is almost equivalent to disrespecting your elders.
When 15 years from now a downloadable version of Call of Duty or Battlefield Bad Company is released on some sick futuristic system, will people reviewing a the game give it a 6/10 because it's "outdated"? The fact is, the game is great, and it if was an 8.5 back in the day, it's still an 8.5 today. The entertainment value doesn't change.
Every kid out there whose parents buy them FPS games should take some time to check out Doom and Doom 2. When playing the game, keep in mind this came out 16 years ago, and keep in mind that there was nothing else like this when it came out. After playing it, be thankful for it, because the success and near perfection of this game led to all of your COD's, Battlefields, and Halos.
6/10? You should be fired man.