i am only 13, and ive been playing doom since i was about 5, and ive allways loved it!
SideNote: I used to call Imps, Whimps:
anyway, its a great game with lots of places you can go and you can open TONS of trap doors so look around, and if you didnt allready now,
if you liked Wolfenstien, ID ( the makers of Doom) make
Wolfenstien aswell, exept Doom was allways * and still is * better that Wolfenstien. You can do a super run, and in all there are only 9 wepons(that sucks) but they are pretty good wepons,
1: Fists with spiked ring
2: Chainsaw
3: Shotgun
4: Double Barrell Shotgun( only in doom 2 )
5: Chaingun
6: Rocket Launcher
7: A plasma rifle type thing
8: BFG! * Big Friendly Gun * *Note: not so friendly* AHAHHAHA