A very fun NES game that people shouldnt bash just because they think its tough. Its very fun and worth picking up.
Playing as Ranzou is also very fun, because u get ninja stars, a sword, and a very cool jumping spin kick. Playing as these new characters is what really makes this game fun and adds alot of variety. The game has 5 levels, each of which are very different from each other visually. The game could have used more levels, but as it stands its great for a fun sit down and play through, beginning to end. The only difficult level i feel is the last one. The opening jumps can be disastrous. fall once, and that character is gone, tho u do get 1 continue if all of your characters go down. The final boss can be very difficult depending on who youve got left and how much health theyve got.
tip: save the claw and nunchucks for the final boss.
Overall id say its a very fun game, and i liked it better than the first 2 because of how awesome Chin and Ranzou play. Give it some time and U will like it too.