If you remember/like double dragon, there is no reason to not download this.
Anyone who has played double dragon already knows what to expect so there is no reason to really go over the gameplay of the game because it is classic!!!! If you don't know about this game you have been living under a rock!!!! The enhanced visuals aren't like a completely redone art style all they basically did was clean up all of the textures of the game and enhance the sound so it is more crisp. Pretty cool to see the textures redone and everything but hey if you don't like that stuff, go in the options and you can turn off the enhanced visuals, i hope they keep doing that with these xbla games because thats a good thing just to compare now and then its pretty cool.
Pretty cool hearing all of the classic music back and just as catchy as it ever was. One cool thing i like is anyone who has played remembers the loading screen with that cool music for the next level. Well thats still h ere but there is no loading this game is all pretty much 1 long lvl which is really cool. Basically after you beat one level you see your character travel to the next part and stuff instead of a loading screen while that music is playing. I love double dragon so i just thought that was pretty cool.
For newcomers (the 2 of you out there) there is a help and options section that will show you how to do the moves or for those who havn't played in a while it will refresh your memory. There is an Extras section in the game that tells the story which is pretty cool, hints and tips, and then original artwork for the game which i thought was pretty cool to add in just to be there. Seriously this game is just as good as the original was at least it is in my opinion and it is just as hard as i remember. If that isn't enough 2 player over x box live is so awesome to have.
I'm rating this compared to other xbla games not just full games in general