Best beat 'em up EVER. A complete classic

User Rating: 9.3 | Double Dragon ARC
I think that it's the first beat 'em up of the history, but if it isn't, for me it is. Double Dragon, distributed by Taito and developed by Technos Japan Corp. (creators of the mighty River City Ransom), puts you in the role of the brothers Billy and Jimmy, who need to take over an evil guy who kidnapped their girlfriend. Yeah, it's the extremely used story that fitted up the beat 'em ups for a long time (except Captain Commando, in that game you needed to save the world). The game was so famous that even Rockstar Games' The Warriors had some parody called "Armies of The Night". The beginning is the same: it shows outside of a garage, there are some bad guys, your girlfriend gets a punch, they grab her and take her. And then, you get out of the garage and the fighting starts! (I remember when my friend showed it to me and my brother and i said: "Just like in Double Dragon!"). You pass through a lot of stages (the part of the mountain is the best!), and later you go face-to-face against the bad guy (in the NES version later you fight Jimmy). The gameplay is good, at least it isn't just like in Double Dragon 2: The Revenge (sometimes it gives a punch to the front and a kick to the back). The graphics are just good, like the sound. Play it, it was the thing that started the beat 'em up fashion of the 80's and 90's, that later goed into Final Fight, Captain Commando, Knights of The Round, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe and a lot more. Check out the good and the bad of the game above.

THE GOOD:A complete classic. The levels are good, like the graphics and the sound
THE BAD:The extremely used story of the-bad-guys-have-kidnapped-your-girlfriend-and-you-need-to-save-her, very stupid ending

The End