An incredible game, it's a shame that it wasn't released in the US.
This is where this game shines because of how fun it is. There are ten areas which you can traverse through, each having unique shops that you can visit and purchase new techniques, food, clothing, and maybe even gamble a little bit. ;-) You can use these techs to defeat your enemies (which is obvious) which gives you money to buys new clothing, techs, ect. Each gang appears in a random area. Fortunately, you can view which area these gangs are in along with what area you are in by utilizing the map. Each gang has a leader, who is stronger than the rest of the members and gives you money. Sometimes, the leaders of these gangs will ask to join you which can trigger story events depending on your response and you get a new character to play as!
The graphics are very nice and they all fit with the Japanese-ish theme. The areas are quite memorable. Also, Technos payed much attention to detail during the creation of this game. You can go behind a screen and see yourself though it. And there are different depths of the water which alters how much of your character that you see.
Most of the sounds fit very well. They just make sense and sound like a hit or punch might actually sound like. The music is quite memorable and fits the area. In fact, I have most of the songs on my MP3 player. However, most of the songs are repetitive so they get boring if you stay in the same area for a long time. Respect this shop theme!
Replay Value-
This game is worth playing again and again! There are so many things to do. I've beaten the game so many times, and I'm still not bored with it.
Overall and final comments-
Overall, this game is wonderful. And unless you happen to live in Japan, it's entirely free and legal to download it off the 'net.