awesome puzzle game of the year worth playing on the NES system never get of puzzle game playing this game

User Rating: 10 | Dr. Mario NES
i would to say that i got this game when was young didn't know much about only have hit the same color on the virus head but level on the was only on low i guess i was never ready to try high level yet because how the outcome would get to me anyway like play the wreaching crew & tetris u just hit the same color on the virus to 3 4 5 7 8 or how every get it to get a good there only 20 levels on this game three Difficulty setting that & only 3 music to your choseing i like them both but my favorite is fever there is 2player but its only battle nothing special about it only u beat your oppent it to earn 3 gold star after that dr. mario will apper does this weard hand shakeing movment if u lose or get defeated by your oppent in anyway a red virus will apper & will hold a sign with an X & the winner will go to the other player other then if u try your trying to beat it this game all i can say is u need to put on 1player 20 level setting & put on high Difficulty setting & do your very best on this game