This game a'int wirth the 20 bucks or the 10 plus hours of your lifespan.
Story: What this piece of crap is a story?! I've seen better from Calvins Revenge. Do Atlus a favor and pick out a less crappy game. Honestly it literaly SCREAMS " LAWLZ I'm a cliche rip-off of most Shounen anime, but I'm sure I'm twice as cool as they will ever be."
Charecters: Suck even MORE than the story itself. And you can't have a good story without charecters.
Graphics: I'll give this game some credit the graphics are a bit decent but not the best I've seen.
Gameplay: Now the gameplay is the only thing in this game that isn't cliche. From Customizing attacks from beats of your rock music to buying bullets or special super attacks.
Overall the game SUCKS don't but it or rent it and if you did buy it Return it run away from it as fast as you can cause this game is like a nuclear bomb of fail. DON'T BUY DRAGLADE!