This game is FUN.
The basic premise is pretty cliched, as are all the characters and their background. I won't go into much detail about that here though.
The game play is where it's at. The controls are solid, and the techniques are flashy and fun to execute. The enemies are at just the right difficulty level and it's easy to level up and advance in the game.
The musical elements however aren't really executed well but you can just avoid all of that. Even regular techniques are more than enough to finish off most enemies, including the bosses.
There are a bunch of different characters to select from, with slightly different motivations, but the storyline ends up being more or less the same. Regardless of who you choose to play as, you eventually have to fight the other characters as well. Meaning, only one ending is canon and the others lose out. Too bad.
All in all, this is just a really fun game. Well worth the time.