Real review
User Rating: 7 | Dragon Age II PC
Okay i just want to start by letting you guys know, that im no grammer king, and no spelling bee champ. Im a singer song writter that loves music, and loves videogames. Now I loved the first dragon age, that doesnt mean just because it was a true rpg or all that stuff, just because it was new, and the story was just amazing, it really made you feel like you were in the game. I remember me and a friend of mine at a party talking about whitch girls we f******. And the girls we were with getting jelous. Little did they know we were litterly talking about pixals. But thats just how good it was. Now to the new one. I played around 6 hours and its a great game. But being dragon age 2 i need to hold it to a higher standerd. For one, the pc version is buggy as hell. I have a super duper computer, like 5000 build last year type of guy and this game,(no other games ever not even shogun total war 2 maxed out) has like these really really weird slow downs every minutes or so, that last around 10 seconds. Very strange. Also the combat gets old very fast. There arnt that many diffrent things you can do total so it gets boring. And I know there is someone who just got the game reading this going, dude the combat looks great. And yes your right it does look great. Its just not great. Story is so far so good but again, it isnt pulling me in. I actully found myself skipping some lines that were so predicable....i mean i never do that in any game let alone a bioware one!!!Also there are so many like buggy weird textures even with the better texture pack. SO summing up. If this was some ambusious new dev or some independent company(something like magicka), or even a 40$ pc game, I would have givin it a 9.5....But since this is the baby of the two (out of three) largest pc DEVS on the planet, plus 60$(PC GAME) and completely over hyped, over marketed, scamed(setting up DLC on day one? I mean thats blatent....jsut put it in the friggin game i mean theres no need for that. Pretty soon were going to be having indivual guns in shooters be 3$dlc with the expetion of like 4) anyways..IF you loved the first game, get this one, if you never played a dragon age game, get it. But if you were like dieing to play this and didnt have the money, dont kill you self thinking about it. It aint what it should be. Thanks for your time guys and have fun out there....friend me on steam if you want( jimmiexjames) or check out my band *Chcek oout the new stuff* **PS I really dont want to offened anyone that likes the game. Im going to play it for the next 3 days, i just wanted to get my opion out there. Take care.