Dragon age series: Status:deceased Cause:Consolitis

User Rating: 5 | Dragon Age II PC
Wow...bioware....just plain wow..
You completely Ignore pc players and go for the console crowd....
all graphics options above "medium" are for DX11....really?
the combat is solid...well sorta...cuz you die in about 12 hits....from a normal hurlock...
the skills are boring, only entertaining one is the mage rain of fire...the rouge has a freaking backflip that sends him 20 feet back...and it recharges in about 5 seconds....the AI is completely retarded...i mean if you are dying and Bethany has a heal ready she will use it on your other teammate instead of you...the warrior class sweeps all enemies around you...so basicly warrior>horde of darkspawn>your teammates....
it suffers from metal gear syndrome to the max....all finishing moves against bosses are a cutscene that start another 10 min cutscene....there is even a part where you are surrounded by monsters...and all of a sudden...instead of a combat section your character kills all of them in the cutscene....
If ME3 goes anything like this B*** **** i will not buy another bioware game FOR A VERY LONG FREAKING TIME