It Is Not What Dragon Age: Origins was, but DA2 is a Good Game Regardless
This game has alot to offer DA:O players and new players alike. The character creator is improved but still doesnt allow you to create the exact character you want. Combat has improved for the better and the new animations look amazing! The story isnt as good as DA:O but its still good, I think they pushed your characters turmoil a little to far, and your character doesnt seem to sad even when devistating events happen like losing a sibling, no matter your choice your character doesnt seem upset hardly at all which is a real problem for me but overall its great. Lastly with a voiced over main character it makes you feel more immersed, though the choices dont seem as varied as in DA:O
The BAD:
It might seem like there is more bad than good here but the good outweighs the bad in this game trust me guys. Here goes......Not being a Grey Warden is a little disapointing, I liked that title haha. Seriously though, this game does have alot of bad. The strategy has been nerfed a ton since the first game, PC players will not like that. The story isnt as good as in the first game, not even close, i wont spoil anything but lets just say the last boss is a disapointment and the ending isnt any better. It seems like they tried to hard to make your character go through hard times and suffer, but even if you choose the sad choices when given the option he doesnt sound upset even when things like a sibling dies (it happens at the beginning of the game i didnt spoil anything) your character just has a plain look and your only response is saying sorry to someone else instead of being able to grief for yourself. The story picks up at about 10-13 hours in and you think its going to be the ending but its actually just a turning point than they throw in a whole new problem that before that was a minor one, it seems like they could have wrapped up the first story in a few hours and than built more on the last half of the game, and the last bad part is even with all the side quests you have the game is shorter than DA:O, in fact I just beat it in 18 hours 30 minutes, so you wont get as lengthy of a game as in the first.
Verdict: Overall this game might disapoint a few people, and honestly I dont blame them, the game takes place in only 1 city and so the replay value is low, for now I am putting the game away and when I beat Origins I went right back into making a new character. The game isnt great, but it is good and if anyone wants a game to tide them over for awhile...well this can take a week off of that haha.