I don't know what more I can add to this that hasn't already been covered before. All I'm GONNA say is both EA and Bioware are about to lose me as a customer. End of story. Fool me once, fool me twice, the third time I go commando. I pre-ordered this dumbed down tripe expecting a deep involving RPG from an established company which, up till now, had a very positive rep. That is all about to change; you can read the negative feedback yourself. I seriously wonder about the glowing 'RPG of the Decade' type reviews, since they fly in the face of what the gaming community is actually saying. The current trend of stripping content that SHOULD have been in the game and then selling it back as DLC is quite frankly nauseating. Recycling environments because, what, you were too lazy to add some basic variety to the already constrained game 'world'? Turning inventory management into a joke since only the main character can buy armor, restricting weapons to specific role types, truly uninspired CRAPPY loot ( what, a moth-eaten scarf. Really?). I could even forgive all that if there was a compelling PLOT or story line: after 25-30 hours of play I'm still not quite certain what the whole point is. Anyway, this should fit the 'hundred word minimum'. Save your cash for something else. See ya, EA!
I can't belive the hype for this game, I was a big fan of the first game but for some reason they have just hacked out most of the good things and left this empty husk. I'm just going to be writing what I found wrong wit... Read Full Review
Bah, it happened again. I got sucked in. With Mass Effect 2, it was understandable. The reviews said it was a great game, and the user reviews backed that up. But THIS. Oh god. This is an abortion. Why would you ta... Read Full Review