Bioware...Woman...we've got to talk.
Bioware...when I first met you, things were strange...I heard you were the product of two brainy doctors. A little nerdy...a little strange...but I could tell something about you.
I could tell you were deep.
I could tell you were quality.
I could tell that you were the kind of woman who sticks to your soul and lasts a long time. The kind that makes a difference in your life. I told myself that you were the one for me and that you understood what I wanted. I wanted depth. I wanted honesty. I wanted something I could spend time on and learn things about myself and keep me coming back for more.
When my love of you was affirmed with Baldur's Gate was magic...
[Cue sax solo from "You Belong to the City"]
You kept it coming with KOTOR and although its part 2 was a little dodgy and quickly done, I still respected you. I understand deadlines baby. You know I do. You also know I'm willing to pay more for that magic that you do though.
Now when you lost the D&D license I was a little sad...but I knew girl…oh yes I knew that you still had it and didn't need that or the Star Wars license and you did it in Mass Effect (and brought in some new fans...well I liked that) and then you came back with Dragon Age : Origins...well girl...I knew you hadn't lost it.
Then I heard that EA pimp you've been seen with started wispering things in your ear...things about 'demographics' and about Earned Value...profits in the short run and not in the long run. I thought you wouldn't let that criminal get to you baby...I think you did. They told you to start looking at that other gamer and to forget about me completely.
I knew you tried flirting with that kind of guy before...and didn't go too well with Jade Empire did it? I still liked it though...because I knew your heart was in the right place. You were trying to bring that guy over to enjoy the things I like. You were trying to bring him up to my level. You can do that. I can respect that baby for doing KNOW I can.
But with Dragon Age 2 Woman!?!?! I CANNOT respect you dumbing yourself down and wearing that short gameplay with that EA inspired DLC all over fresh out of the gate. YOU KNOW YOU'RE MORE QUALITY THAN THAT WOMAN!
He can't love you like I love least not until you learn to bring him up to my level. Until then you're just another cheap thrill to be played and forgotten to him.
Bioware…Baby...don't tell me the magic is gone.