EA should heed Blizzard's commitment to quality products

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Age II PC
So many reviewers have sufficiently described the highs and lows of this game. I'm not going to repeat what's already been dissected to death. Instead, a thank you to the game engine programmers and scripting geniuses, you've done a good job. Everything else about this game is simply mediocre compared to Bioware's classics, DAO being the most recent.

My advice to EA/Bioware is to heed Blizzard's example, release it when it's *properly* done, why risk your reputation and alienate so many loyal customers by trying to cash in on the name of a quality product by rushing a very poor sequel and charging a premium for it? Very poor thinking on your part if you ask me or any longtime fan of your RPGs.

Nothing else to say, other than bringing up the comical notion that this game got a higher score (94%) from PC Gamer than did Shadows of Amn (91%). "Best RPG combat ever?" Really? *sigh*...