Where Biowoware usually shine is where Dragon age 2 falls flat!

User Rating: 6.5 | Dragon Age II PS3
Dragon Age 2 had so much potential upon initial startup. The graphical presentation was definitely a step up over Origins and the battle system, although scrutinized, is also a major improvement. Where Dragon Age 2 falls is where Bioware usually shine... and that's in story, character development and creating wondrous worlds. The world in Dragon Age 2 is hardly wondrous... Well, maybe it for the first hour or so but recycling the same dungeons and maps over and over again just gives the sense that they rushed this game out as soon as possible and it is severely unforgivable! Bioware should really be ashamed of this whole recycling maps thing... I mean how is it possible that a map of a cave outside of the city is EXACTLY identical to a dungeon inside the city? IT'S NOT POSSIBLE and really throws you out of the vibe.
As far as story is concerned, that's also another miss. In fact, there really is no story to speak of. It's all just a mess of side missions that have nothing to do with one another. Even the main quests are nothing more than side missions because they always conclude leading you to think 'okay... well, what now?'
Also, I found the worlds between Dragon Age Origins and Dragon age 2 dont share much in common. Without giving anything away, all I can say is that, politically, there are like two separate worlds. The darkspawn have changed, the qunnari have changed and the templar's and mages are as if they were just rewritten from scratch and don't have anything to do with that relationship we have grown to know in Origins.
All in all - this is a bit of a confusing mess. It doesn't allow you to care about the story or the characters... in fact the only saving grace for DA 2 is the combat system, which is fun! It will not get a second play through for me and I find it really had to recommend this game to the RPG enthusiast... if to anyone at all.
This just goes to show: Do not tale bioware's work for granted. I thought they could do no wrong… but now I'm worried about Mass Effect3.
What a shame!