When DA2 was announced, i was really excited about this game, because if DAO was epic, i asked myself what they could improved in this game?
Well when i bought DA2, I already knew that the game wasn´t so good as DAO, still i thought it was worthwhile to buy DA2, because it was DA.
I installed the game, and i was ready to play DA2. I spent an average of 100 hours playing with 2 characters: a warrior and a mage, to experience 2 differrent types of story and to win several achievements. Conclusion:
The story it isn´t bad but it isn´t good, is reasonable due to several problems:
The first is the story only occurs in one city, Kirkwall. It´s true that you can leave the city and explore other places but still it isn´t the same as DAO that you can explore numerous places.
The second is the lack of sense in the course of history. The story of DA2 it isn´t like DAO were you turn a grey warden and you have to defeat the blight, it´s a history that is weak and a bit confusing.
The gameplay of DA2 it´s completely different it´s more an action game than an rpg, it´s not bad but I preferred the predecessor gameplay. I prefer the gameplay of DAO because it was more strategic and sometimes you needed to think before attacking.
If you want to have any challenge in this game you need to set the game difficulty on hard. The difficulty levels had decreased a lot compared with the DAO.
------------------------------DAO-----------------DA2----------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------Don´t Exist-----------Casual------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------Casual -------------Normal------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- -----Normal--------------- Hard----------------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------Hard--------------Nightmare--------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------Nightmare---------Don´t Exist-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Graphics: The graphics of DA2 are very similar to DAO graphics, but still they are good. The graphics aren´t the problem, the major problem of this game is the recycling dungeons and places were the story and others quest goes.
Bugs: I saw some bugs during the gameplay, but after installing the patches they disappear.
In conclusion: I think the developers of DA tried to make the same thing that the developers of Mass Effect done to Mass Effect 2, but in this case occurred disastrously. If you are a Dragon Age fan, buy the game, you will be disappointed, but it isn´t like the ending of the world, still i am very disappointed as a Bioware fan with a sequel that could have been a very popular franchise.