Wow! Dragon Age is really getting better and better. "Champion" of Games. :)
The Graphics has a massive changes compare to the previous games
like just look at the character shadow in Dragon age Origins the character's hair is gone in the shadow but in DA2 the hair blends in the shadow.
The sounds also change but not much I just found out that arrow shot sounds changed. In DA:origins the arrow sounds like an Needle Rifle in Halo Reach
but the downsides are There's no melee finishes! not like DA: Origins in Origins melee weapons got some flashy moves to kill their enemies (well it just rarely occur) like Chopping their head off that's one way to describe it
and the Darkspawn what happened to genlock and Shriek? Their gone!
Also the Environment is repetitive almost the whole game is in that place going around and around.
BUT! that's just some minor turn off it didn't make disappointed.
All in all is good like the worth my money spend on it.
All of them are great except for the earlier things I mentioned.
One more thing the good is the characters they got some serious moment and Humorous ones.
The Voice acting is Very good like any Bioware Products.
And the Character Face edit it improved but some of the mechanics are gone (like the mouth width) but it's great! really unique you replicate can't another's face like Alistair (I replicated him in DA: Origins).
Well That's all
I can't say more you gotta see for yourself.