No reason to hate this game!
I did try it on the PS3 but it loaded so slow i felt like breaking my machine ( had the same issue on the ps3 with nhl11 and 12 slow loading POC ).
I found the graphics very enjoyable ( i read some one here compare them to PS2 what a load of BS the reviewer was on his own personal quest to hate this game douche. ). The music, voice acting, story line and combat all top notch and very engrossing.
My biggest issue with DAII is the repeated use of environments, I loved DAO and even more so the diversity of NWN2. That said I have found with recent bioware games such as mass effect and even in the recent past KOTOR they do re use a lot of environments just not to this extent.
This game is a lot of fun, the characters are easy to like and the visuals are great.
Man if you did not buy it new pick it up used at EB for $15 you will get a solid 40 hours of fun.