This isn't the game you are looking for

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Age II X360
After the success of Dragon Age Origins a sequel was mandatory, unfortunately besides the name it has very few things in common with the original.

The good:
- voiced player
- different ways to personalize your character
- good animations
- lenghty game (maybe too much, see under)
- console version has better textures compared to the first console version of the game

The bad:
- feels nothing like the original
- Every location feels similar or identical to the previous
- Awfull characters
- tapping A for attacking is a pain , especially while being a fast thief (but there is a option for auto-attack)
- Linear Story that doesn't really give value to your choices
- Lots of glitches, especially during combat animations
- Too long, the game tries to feed you up by giving you many senseless fights (such as fighting the same faction you are defending on random encounters) which have little or nothing to do with the story
- The city is too big, travelling in it is a pain , especially since you have to fight your way through hordes of enemies at night just to reach the next district and important places are all dislocated far away.
- No companions armor customization
- Not a real improvement in visuals but a complete cartoony remake that doesn't really matches the feel you would expect from a story of violence and murder

I definitely DO NOT recommend this game to anyone that want another Dragon Age Origins like experience. Only buy it if you are new to rpg and want a simple experience, or if you'd like a simple rpg where you can just play around and do stuff you really don't really have to make the effort to understand. Money shouldn't be a factor to consider when buying this game, so don't buy it at a little price if you don't like it, because the experience is what really matters , and it isn't a really good one.