I played both of the previous titles and enjoyed them both. The first one was dated when I played it but I liked the banter between the characters and the overall game play was fun once you got used to the inventory and such. The second one was kind of lame as far as the whole game being played out in one city but the combat was fun and the story line was good and fun to play along with. I've played all of the mass effects as well and enjoyed them even though the first one got kind of boring with all of the driving around. I've also played Skyrim and still enjoy replaying it.
This game is none of those games above. First off it's boring, seriously boring. It just seems like too much tedious little quests to fill in the time, kind of like playing a grindy MMORPG. The characters look a little better than the first game.... dated and just bad all the way around except in the cut screens. The armor is also boring for a fantasy RPG. The Women hair styles are horrible! My wife tried to play the game and was laughing at the lack of decent hair styles and clothing for her mage she was trying to make. Oh and the eyebrow selection was great if she wanted to make a neanderthal mage :( I mean really! Have to see to believe. They look painted on and weird.
The landscape is huge and full of nothingness. Enemies just spawn which completely loses the immersion effect. Once again feeling like an MMORPG. Then it's peppered with plants to loot and blobs of minerals on hill sides that look like they are completely out of place and amateurish looking. The combat is just like the first one but with no heals from a mage just pots. You pretty much look like your flailing your arms around when your in combat. I was surprised you could just steal (loot) anybody's house without them saying a word unlike Skyrim but just like the first two Dragon ages.
This inventory is just terrible
Crafting is a nice change and makes going around for HOURS! on end looking for mats more tolerable.
The voice acting however is good and if you played the first two the story line is ok as well.
All in all this game could have been a winner about 4 years ago but completely lacks in what is expected for today's standards. Very little fit and finish for a game in 2014.
If you like grindy MMORPGs without other people around and nice cut screens then this is the game for you. If your looking for something like skyrim or better then keep moving.
It's worth a rent but don't buy at full price.
I honestly was hoping and excited for a better end product than what they have delivered here especially what games came out after the second one. Bummer really. You would think they would want to raise the bar.
(I know fanboys will rant about what I've said here because of some kind of a weird emotional attachment they may have with this game but this is my opinion of the game and that is all a review is)