Great game! Excellent structure and RPG attributes!
First, Presentation, a descriptive analysis of how the game presents itself and the expectations that they have established by the nature of it.
Second, Execution, a basic elaboration on what was expected (above) and what was delivered.
Third and lastly, Improvement, the questions myself and the pointers that i found that were wrong with the game.
Presentation -
This game is presented much like Deus Ex was in years past, although in a bit of a differeng genre, not futuristic at all. The premesis behind the game is that stunning graphics, an innovative combat system, and an arrangement of classes make the game deeply immersful and fun to play.
Positives :
-Game is indeed beautiful
-Multi-pathed open-ended storyline prevents boredom and enhances games unique structure
-Games sidequests are seemlessly incoorporated into main quest if you choose to participate in them
-Combat system allows you to easily diversify your characters without feeling pressured, but you will find yourself doing everything in real time most of the time anyway.
-Allows easy integration of personal play style
Negatives :
-No Physx
Execution -
The execution of all the above is somewhat limtied. The most obvious hindrinces are the fact that it seems oversimplified. Bottlenecks in the games storyline to follow an overall goal affect gameplay far more than one would hope.
-Immersingly articulate character creation system allows for personalization
-Sidequests have an effect on overall games ease and fun
-Allows you to have similar experience to every other player playing DA:O
-Allows all ages to play seemlessly, without the need for adult knowledge
-Playstyle and buyable additions make the game interesting and fun even if you have played through it once before.
-While graphics are beautifult hey are also 2nd rate. The beards and hair most noticeably integrates with armor and goes right through solid objects, not deflected from them.
-Grass and other objects do not move when you are making your way through them
-Cannot fall off of stairs and other objects, no jump function, makes for subtly boring gameplay
-Lack of physics support lead the stunning attempts at impressive graphics to be more moot than other games
-Combat system leads itself to more micro-management than i thought would be needed.
Improvement -
Overall, the only gripes about the game so far are the lack of meaninful graphics that have been out since Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It seems that the makers of Dragon Age were far more intent on providing a mutli-path system than the graphics which is good, however, it would be at least nice to see the implimentation of Physix as it allows for more realistic gaming experience, combined with the storyline this would have made it a 10.0 in my book.
As it stands, the game is a blast, fun and intriguing, begging to be played again and again. The combat is excpetional though a bit simplistic. Strategy and tactics do take place, but simply trying the same scene again and again while using loads to save yourself make it almost too easy.
Game should allow you to fight on your own to allow a power-leveling function before going into particularly challenging battles to allow you more choice in how you play rather than forcing you through the storyline.
9.5/10 for what it hoped to accomplish compared to what it did. I sincerely hope that more additions to this game come out with more graphical integration and open-ended play.