Dragon Age is a game that will wheel you in with its epic story telling but will make you cry at the sight of its look
Gameplay- This game plays where you take control of 4 different characters in a stratigic way, it feels alot like the game "Dungeons and Dragons The Tempal of Elemental Evil" On the system version you cant go to an overhead view so you have to play in a full body perspective of each character. Now you do not have to play as each character, you could just play as your main character and let the computer take over your companions but that would be boring and most likely you would get your butt handed to you if you played like that so do not do it ;). So if you decide to play the right way there is a great system in this game for "hardcore rpg players" where you can assign different characters different tactics on how to attack or what spells/skills to attack with. This makes the game very rich in combat and how to go about with your companions, this also makes you feel for you partners within the game and even though you might think the combat looks boring its not, its very addictive and if you are one of thoughs "hardcore rpg players" you will love this little tactical gameplay system Bioware has cooked up for you. When you first start the game you can create your character, choose who the character will be being Elf,Human, or Dwarf and after that you choose your origin story which ill discuss in the story aspect of the game. Dragon Age is not an open world also, but let me tell you it will sure feel like one. The game is linear when you go to a forest or maybe a dungeon or what not its linear and not open, when you travel you do not travel freely like in oblivion but you fast travel and sometimes can be attacked while fast traveling which can cause for some fighting once in a while. Even though it is not open world like some people might have liked this game offerd so much depth to the game with countless side quests that there is no need for an open world here, this game feels huge and massive even tho its linear and it is just amazing to explore in this game.
Story- So lets start off with dialog, there is alot and this is what truely makes the game shine, if you are an avid Rpg lover of all sorts then im sure you love great dialog in an RPG. Well my rpg lover this game is for you just for that reason, there is so much dialog and I mean alot, you will go through so much it will make your head spin in a good way cause its not bad, the dialog in this game is so rich and is so amazing with the amazing voice acting within the game that whenever somebody even opens there mouth to begin talking you will droop over the edge of your seat just so you can get a good hearing position of every single little drop of juicey milky dialog that flows out of a characters mouth. The dialog will take you for an amazing ride, none of it is boring you will listen to every little word and if you happend you happend to skip a dialog you will most likely punch yourself in the gut because you will be just so upset that you missed out on even one moment of someones dialog no matter how pointless it was, and none of it is pointless. This adds alot to emotions, throughout the game, you will feel so much love for your companions since you will most likely talk to them and everyone of them has some sort of background history to them which you will learn about if you are nice enough to them. Now for the side quests which are great, they are all so much fun to do and really keep you occupied throughout the game, they all seem to have such great stories that come with them and it really shows you how much love and thought Bioware put into this game. The main quest is really great to, you will want to get proceed with the main quest but yet at the same time you do not want to because you do not want to rush the game, when you start the game you have to choose a origin which is basically your background and the starting point of the game, this brings alot of re playability into the game and makes for a whole lot of different stories to be had throughout the game and opens even more dialog with different characters.
I wrote about graphics but my review was apparently to long so I had to delete it >:(