BioWare does it again.
Happy because, well, they're coming out with a new title
Worried - When a company consistently makes amazing games you have to wonder if they can keep it up.
Well, my friend, not only did they maintain standards they really outdid themselves with Dragon Age!
Some people play RPGs for the story, some for the combat, others for the exploration. Dragon Age is the closest I've seen to all aspects working with each other. This isnt like most RPGs where you start in the safe and sunny village up north and slowly things get less green and more darker as you head south. The brightness in DA lasts about as long as it takes for the first NPC to reach you - then - DRAMA!
And when I say drama it grabs you with both hands and takes you for a LOOONG dark ride through Ferelden.
In my experience, there was exploration but not to the point where you were lost or sidetracked from the mission at hand.
Lots of dialogue, but the voice acting is lively and the NPC animations/eye movements makes it worth listening to, rather than just (esc) to the mission objectives. Your companions will start to grow on you (well, some of them).
Choices and Decsions: Lots of them - AND- BioWare is watching you.
Think that choice to let that village go without water was of no consequence?
Did you make that deal with the bandit leader or did you let him die? no difference right? wrong
There are 2 very VERY distinct parts in the game where your actions through the game will be a direct reflection of you. I have heard of games making you think before you acted - this one actually came through
In short if you like (hell) ANY BioWare game, expect some more of it, and be wise in your decisions!!