Epic RPG, great characters you really care about, captivating storytelling, plenty of side quests and awesome soundtrack
So, you gather your team and most of the game you'd explore a realm with four of them.
You can really get attached to the characters. I liked the Shale (golem from the DLC) character and he was in 30% of my quests but I really got close to Moriggan, Wynne and Alistair. Which was a perfect match with me as a rogue Elf master in archery, mage (more like a witch) Morrigan focused on primal spells, enchanter Wynne with so useful healing & spirit spells and of course Alistair with templar talents as the front line warrior.
All the dialogues are well done so you never get bored talking to people.
I played this game over 100 hours and still some side quests left unfinished when the game ended. I'm thinking about buying Awakening DLC (which I rarely rarely do:)
I played it on PS3 so from the technical side, controlling a battle mode can be sometimes tricky but once you assign all the quick buttons and (very important imho) proper tactics order for each character, you just watch your team beautifully synchronised and taking care of each other.
I recommend this game to any RPG fan willing to take an adventure in the LOTR/Game of Thrones-like fantasy world.