Much-higher rated if price was lower.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dragon Age: Origins - Warden's Keep PS3
Warden's Keep is an enjoyable albeit forgettable DLC with one irritating quirk-- it contains the only bank system in the entire Dragon Age game!

The implementation of the bank system, which in effect is an endless vault to store your accumulated goods, can be acquired after finishing Warden's Keep. What might irk many is that this much welcomed bank can only be acquired by purchasing the DLC at $7. So, consequently, this DLC becomes a must-buy for any gamer who wants the full Dragon Age experience simply for this bank feature, which should have come with the original game.

To a gamer unused to Dragon Age, this might not seem like a big deal. But to those who have played the game, the experiencing of a quickly overflowing bag space is a principle concern and the bank system is one of growing importance. As such, it really is unfair for the developers to package the bank system with a DLC since it is such a vital function.

In the end, Warden's Keep's content is enjoyable nonetheless, with nothing really noteworthy to consider. Once the questline is completed, the quest is closed and no further developments crop up from Warden's Keep. As such, it would've been a more meaningful purchase at a lower price, but the fact that the DLC comes up with the much coveted bank system means that, irregardless of the content or quality of the questline involved, Warden's Keep becomes a must-buy.

Which, to me, affects its score detrimentally since it is a little unfair.