Wow, but why?
1. This is the best fantasy RPG released since the Baldur's Gate series, vastly superior to Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion.
2. This is a perfect game (a clear 10) on a PC but, very very sadly, it lacks the versatility of strategy fighting and the choice of camera angle (ony first person) on consoles.
Why did EA do this to all RPG lovers who own a console? Do we all need to buy an expensive PC to enjoy RPG games?
This game gets a 9 for PS3 users, but only because the RPG elements are so great, however the graphics and the gameplay on the console suffer... It really is half the experience.
I hate myself for writing this, but if you 're gonna buy a game on the PS3 this Xmas, maybe you should go for Assassin's Creed 2.
EA people, what have you DONE?