Console considerations bleed through just like in ME. Does not surpass NWN2. The Witcher is still the King of RPGs.

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition) PC
I know that a lot of people are praising this game. And it does deserve praise for the graphics, voice acting, main story, and direction. However, so many core RPG elements are missing or half-baked which ruins it for me. I felt the exact same way with Mass Effect. I am convinced that too many gamers have lowered their expectations for RPGs which hurts the genre's future. Thank The Maker for the Witcher!

The Problem: Bioware does not want to pay the licensing fee for StarWars or Dungeons and Dragons. As a result their "knock off" universes are third rate skill systems, monsters, and equipment are uninspired and lackluster. There is a reason BOTH of these licenses are worth the money...They have a mature fantasy world and ART that gives the needed color to the RPG environment which makes them great. DA is not great, it is OK.

While the story, acting, and directing of DA is great, the lore and game play is sorely lacking. Throughout the game we are given too much non-essential information in the form of "codex" (just Like ME). We have saved screen shots, and make online achievements. Woo hoo?! Who gives a flying ****ck about this crap! These tidbits of "achievement" does not make up for uninspired game play and the lack of character development.

So lets review the many reasons DA falls short as an RPG and why it should be scrutinized more than praised.

First, the skills, powers, potions, traps, monsters, lore, etc., things that are at the core of RPGs, are lost in translation in the DA universe. Unlike the Witcher, which successfully developed its own universe, combat system, items, monsters, and skills; DA is a third rate knock off of D&D. We never get to fight a variety of unique monsters. How many dark spawn can I kill in 80 hours?! Items that are "magical" never feel magical (nor do they look magical ---have a unique icon or artwork for petesake!!!!), settings do not have character or add to the quest/story line (BG had awesome settings), and combat quickly becomes boring even though it remains difficult (an accomplishment not to be proud of).

Aside from the game play there are other elements that reflect the console port roots which make this a shallow RPG. Take the maps and the economic system. As for maps, you cannot place markers on the maps, maps do not have a set direction (ahem North or something would be nice) which makes them difficult to navigate. In addition to the blandness of items, when it comes to trading and treasure searching there are not enough valuable items to be found. Oh thanks for the millionth pair of leather boots. I feel so accomplished! Blandness like this makes it impossible to get the money to upgrade your equipment. When you do have money it usually takes all of it to upgrade the equipment of one person. Did the devs forget that I am directing 4 with 5 more at camp!!!!! I agree that making it too easy to get money/magical equipment ruins trading and goals...but never getting enough money does as well. There needs to be much more balance in the loot system.

The biggest and worst aspect of DA, however, is in the character leveling system. Just like Mass Effect it is way too generic and uninspired to be fun for very long. I never feel like I am progressing even though it tells me I am leveling up. Sure I get a few more skill here and there, but the animations are not that much different to be noticeable in combat, and I have no way to objectively assess my progress. This is because the stat increases are not easy or plainly shown!!! There is nothing that easily shows how much better my skills or equipment make me. RPGs are all about stats and seeing their effects! DA , just like ME, has oversimplified the stats/skills to the point that every class has the same basic attacks/abilities with different names and different icons. In D&D the skill sets are very unique!

If you want to know why this gamer is so disappointed it is because every gaming mag said this was the next BG. They believed their own hype. The truth is this game is OK not great. I challenge anyone who has not played BG to do so. Play Icewind Dale, Wizardry games, and the like and you will see why I am so disappointed. Thank God for CDProject who knows how to use the Bioware Aurora Engine. The Witcher is IMO the best UNDERRATED RPG out there. It is clear DA is set up JUST to make as much money as possible and it appears that many of you are falling for its trap. They force you to get on-line so that you can get their acivements. They offer you more content for a price (the Wither gave it away!!!!). I, for one, will not be buying any add-ons for this game. I am no fool. Very disappointed...