Bioware's Top Dragon.
The good:
- Did I mention 6 different playthroughs?!
-This game will certainly get you passed 40 hours of play w/o the downloadable content.
-Casual is casual just attack and set the remote down. Normal is normal, attack and make sure you keep everyone's health satisfied. Hard is hard, more strategy and aim. Nightmare is...well...a nightmare lol you have to be a great at strategy in order to fight a boss without killing one of your own by accident.
-Reading is fun...No in this game it really is. You will want to read as many can not because it's required but because your curiosity of this new world will drive you to it.
-Mortal Kombat blood style. There is no shortage of blood shed in this game.
-Characters that you will actually come to connect to even though they're AI's. You're going to hate some, and you're going to be making some new virtual best friends.
-Trophies are simple. Simple as in all you need to do is play the game on Casual 2 times and do things differently.
-Enemies are rated by your level. If you're level 10 and go to an area the enemies will be 10-12. If you go to the same level at 4 the enemies will be at 4-6. WARNING: This is not true to all locations and/or enemies!
The bad:
-Uh-oh you're character is mute. You can choose what he says, but unlike Mass Effect you won't hear him say it. Is it that much of a bad thing? Of course not it's not like we pay attention to what OUR characters say opposed to what OTHER characters say.
-Your whole party is idiotic when it comes to fighting in rooms and will keep running in place to the target even though there is an invisible wall in front of them. You know these wall, the boundaries the developers made to keep us in a box? Well looks like your characters will occasionally hit that wall and instead of finding another way through they'll continue to run in place until you move them.
-Some quests and other encounters may be bugged forcing you to restart from the last save.
=Sten. Why he gets a =? Just play the game and you'll hate him too lol.
The gray (only used for those that can be seen as good or bad):
- No more red for bad blue for good dialog. I actually enjoyed this because it gave me a sense of the real world, while others may not like this seeing as they don't know which is a good decision and which one is bad (I'm excluding Persuading and Intimidating)
-No infinite random battle encounter. Yup, you only get a set of encounters and after you used up all those then you get stuck with some traveler. The door to farming in this game is closed and closed tight.
-The download-able content are 5 bucks I think (excluding shale, that's 15). Why it's in gray? Well I personally like the content but others find it short and a waste of money.
Well seeing that I give this game a 9.5. Why not a full ten? Sten!!!! lol jk. It's really because of the bugs in this game. You never know when you're going to get one so you have to save often, which gets kind of annoying. As for the loading screen I don't see why people have such a problem with it. It only takes about half a minute to load and that's it.