You will play it over and over again.

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Origins X360
What I loved about this game is that it does something for me that most (Just about all) games have a very hard time doing, it makes me want to play it again!

When ever I am done with a game I normally send it back if I rented it or forget about it, unless its a multiplayer such as MW2 or WoW. Most of time a single player experience gets dull after the first run and I never see a good enough reason to continue unless I can find some way to further enhance the character or world I'm in.

This is where Dragon Age hits the spot, It gives you so many choices and so many out comes that you could never gain the full experience unless you play through multiple times. There is just simply so much to do that it enhances the effect of making you feel as if you are in a living and breathing world.

From the character creation to the choices you must make across your adventures, this game will allow you to utilize all of them in such ways that will allow not only your character but the world around you to grow and change into your very own story.

Apart from some minor glitches and fairly weak graphics, this game was almost pure nirvana for me. As for you, the game isn't for everyone because at times it could very well become slow placed but still very deep.

For shooter junkies and people looking for a quick fix, do not pick this title up, because this game requires alot of love and care to truly become the quality experience which I and alot of others know.