Dragon age Origins Deserves A Medal, So It's Not Surprising It's Already Got One.
Where to start, where to start...
The origins stories are very bad. Horendous, really.
The rest was breath taking. David Gaider, the story writer, did Amazingly well with this. Basicaly, you take up your role as a Human, Dwarf or Elf recruited into the Grey Wardens, ready to fight the Darkspawn threat. It's funner then the situation sounds.
You can go it alone, but the game is designed for you to bring up to four party members along. And they feel real. The perfect character models, the superb voice acting, the very deep characters....This game is better than any book, except here you write your own tale. You can go around like a Tyrant and kill people for fun, or you can save anyone and everyone; the only people who will notice are your companions. They all have there own approval bars, which go up or down depending on the choices you make. Most of the time, a well picked gift can negate any bad choices, but sometimes, the characters just won't be able to take your leadership and deside to put there efforts elsewhere.
There are around 30 different monsters in DA:O, and they all have there own weaknesses. Some nead a good swipe with a sword, some need to be covered with magical oil and be set on fire, still others just need a good kick up the arse and they run like hell. The game is very serious, although the exceptional dialougue and verious refrences to TV shows and Movies guarantees to keep you chuckling.
I can't really explain how magical this game feels, I'm afraid you'll just have to buy it. It's just amazing. If you don't want to risk it, check out the Dragon Age Wiki to get a feel for the plot and gameplay, to see if this game is for you. It will be, I'm sure.