Fantastic story variations -- game changes with each choice you make. Great storyline, great music.
1) The story changes drastically with each decision you make. Even your class of character changes the whole back story. (Definitely a plus for re-playing the game.) This is pure role-playing. If you are evil, and want to play evil, good luck on keeping Wynne in your party. If you are good, and want to stay good, Morrigan will be unhappy, and eventually split.
(Morrigan walked out on me near the end of the game my first time through. I had to finish the game without her very crucial mage destruction. Ouch!)
2) Every one of your game-generated partners will eventually play a role in the game, so it's a good idea to hang on to them, keep them loyal and keep them armed and armored.
3) Certain surprise plot moments are outstanding, and the game even provides a close-up of your manually created character looking shocked, or touched, or whatever. That''s pretty amazing and really adds to the story line.
4) Game play is not easy, even on the 'easy mode,' which avoids friendly fire. On easy mode, a well-developed mage is pretty much unstoppable as your main damage-dealer. But even then, some battles are very tough, because the foes often pour in.
5) The end game is well plotted and truly dramatic. You don't get that often in a game.
Only quibble: After two times through, human warrior and then elven mage, I'm pretty much played out. I don't think I could slot through those dwarf mines another time. Wow, that is a long and somewhat boring stretch of the game.