Dragon Age is a nice edition to the RPG universe, with plenty of quests and dialogue to keep you hooked.

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Origins X360
Dragon Age is a wonderful RPG that offers everything you'd expect from Bioware, except the average-not so good-bland graphics. Set aside from the graphics, the story is pretty well driven. The story is your typical "hero saves the world" type of story, and even though we have seen this in almost every other RPG it still adds some originality to the scene. But I mean come on, what is an RPG plot line without the world being threatened to extinction?

The game has Origin Stories which is what the character experiences in the beginning of the game before Duncan, the Grey Warden who enlists you in the crew that is deemed to save the world takes you away. Each race and background to the character has a different beginning story, and however you play it determines how some sequences of the game will turn out. The Dwarf Noble was my favorite of these, for it had a lot of emotion and was extremely story driven. All the beginning stories make you want to play the game to the end to see what happens, and if revenge will be met, or people will be saved.

The combat is really fun, you have tons of weapons, skills, talents, and spells to choose from. The combat is quite like Dungeons and Dragon rule set, such as Baldur's Gate.

If you are into RPG's and have played games like Baldur's Gate, then this game is for you. It is a must play, whether you like it or not.