When I first heard of this title, I was so excited, but when i finished it, my main thought was: WTF dude?!?
First moment of playing, it was interesting. Especially playing with my dog! I was back in the hub of Flemeth and since I imported and chose not to kill Flemeth in origins, I thought that I will see her again, to get to know something very interesting. But there the first disappointment arrived. There was a elf woman and with who I started to work. Well, love elves and she looked nice, but still... Where are the old awesome characters? I want to see old joking Flemeth!
Wizard toward was even more disappointment. I hoped to meed maybe Irving or something exciting, but now. I had to search for books... At least there was enchantment boy :)! But that definitely wasn't our enchantment boy voice :(!
Combat experience wasn't so nice neither! There was some knight fighting, but it all was easy. And those portals were for advanced character like mine, piece of cake.
Then the ruins... Ok. There was some fun, but not good enough. Environment was nice, but still... There were some units, but they were no challenge...
And for the last, the ending. It was supposed to be solution. But no. I would say that it made just more questions. What was that portal for? Where she went? What was that scroll what I got? What happened to my baby? Is my baby boy or girl? Why does she so badly want to escape? And just so many more questions. And to how many of them I got answer? Almost none. Only thing is that Flemeth is real pain in ass and she is still alive somewhere. Of course she is, I let her live :D!
The first and last real decision what I could make, was choice to kill Morrigan, or let her go. But even if I stab her, she still will fall to the portal and we don't know, did She die or not. Only reason why I couldn't kill her was my baby!
And that's the witch hunt for you! I would call it First and last most pointless DLC. I hope you studied from this BioWare, because u make awesome games!