Get over the initial difficulty bumps, and you find a treasure trove at the end of the rainbow!
This game is an EPIC masterpiece. The story line is extremely immersive. Each race and class has a unique "beginnings" story line which makes it fun to play through them all. The voice acting here is also first class. Varied facial expressions and humorous, thoughtful dialogue leaves you appreciating all spoken exchanges without wanting to skip anything at all.
Next, the RPG elements are very well done. Armor and weapons are scattered throughout the land, and it is great fun to equip your party with shiny platemails and ferocious swords. Long-range weapons are equally important in this game. Other than mages with their staffs, bows and crossbows are also vital for victories.. even if you character is a melee warrior. This is because you try to lure enemies one by one to you and then pick them off easily with these weapons. This makes the game very exciting, and stealthy good fun.
The combat gameplay is top-notch. The game allows you to pause during combat and make tactical decisions. Use warriors as defensive backbones, rogues are trap-setting, bomb-throwing menaces, and keep your mages far far away from enemies hordes. The mages are much suited to doing immense AOE damage from afar. The classes are well-balanced in general, and you will find your switching between characters in your party just to secure victories.
The variety of skill upgrades and class specialization also give you the freedom to craft out your character as you see fit. Different classes, different skills, different types of enjoyment.
Quests are plentiful, and playing through every one of them really gives a great sense of satisfaction.
There is just one small complaint I have. Despite having a good rig, I still suffer slight frame skips, especially when there big waterfalls, fires or just many many enemies. They don't really affect the gameplay much, but it does dampen the playing experience slightly.
All in all, if you have a good PC or have the consoles, GET THIS GAME TODAY. It is a wild ride that you will regret missing.