To Play, or NOT to Play...that is the question. ahhh, PC VERSION ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's face it; we ALL wanted to love this game. After a lengthy ad campaign extolling the virtues of this new cutting edge next-gen RPG (*ahem* GAMESPOT), we old-school grognards have been vibrating with anticipation waiting for this life-changing event. I in fact was so hopeful and desirous of a new 'instant classic' that the first few minutes of playing I found myself in a numb state of denial. Was THIS the trumped up over-promoted Ozymandian colossus that EA would have us bow down in homage to...or was it a prime case of doing such a PR spin that NO game could ever scale those lofty heights?
Seriously, if DA:O had been released with less fanfare and not made out to be the Second Coming of RPGs, I would have accepted it as a decent albeit flawed attempt which spent far too long in development. As such, the ad and media campaign led me to expect a FAR SUPERIOR product, which left my wallet lighter and my Great Expectations severely diminished. Truthfully, after playing for nearly 70 hours (hey, it cost me $80 CDN after taxes so I'm GONNA play) I am finding some enjoyment, but it took nearly 10+ hours before I began to stop grumbling and start accepting it for what it is.
This is not a great game, but it is still a fairly deep RPG with numerous graphical and design deficiencies. It reminds me very much of Drakensang (which I LOVED) and the characters/voice acting are definitely a highlight. The tragedy is, this SHOULD have been a SUPERB game rather than an aging dated rehash of been-there done-that. As it stands now, I will finish this and ultimately find some enjoyable hours; but I recommend new players RENT first, before you drop your cash and find the Emperor's new clothes are not as snazzy as the EA Company Line would have you believe.
P.S. Making us pay extra for DLC that gives little more than a storage chest and a snazzy suit of armor just plain SUCKS. Boo boo boo BioWare.