This was the best of the dbz games released in the 90's to me!

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Ball Final Bout PS
I got this game waaaaaay back when it was rare to find the english one..I'm talking the late 90's. My boy had told me he saw this game in our local shop, gave me the number & I called to find out they only had one left! I ran like the cryptkeeper was running after me for my skin & got there in time to get the game! I was one of those who had the original GT game that they tallked in their english voices..BUT did their moves in the japanese voices. I remember hearing goku's voice & saying..WTF! I had to read my book twice to make sure it was in english! LOL! Anyways, lets get started....

Story- There was no story for this game, so all you had to do was fight random characters until you reached "Baby" aka Baby Vegeta who was in his ape form.

Gameplay- The gameplay for this time was a very cool game. The moves were tight because if you & your opponent did your moves together at the same time, you entered a tough of war battle in which the screen circled you both (FREAKING EPIC!!). You could also fly upward but no too high because you had a limit (LAME). One of the lame things about this game was that you could not turn super saiyan (The same as dbz: legends & ultimate battle 22).

Graphics- The graphics were cool for their time as this was a 3d character based game & the models to me were pretty well done.

Music- OH MY GOD!!!!! THE MUSIC WAS AWESOME!!!! My two favorite tracks were "Will Power(Trunks theme) & Heroes of heroes (SS4 Goku theme)". Those tracks are on my zune now!

Summary- For a game released in 1997 this was a very great game to me. I hosted tournaments after school & kicked BUTT!!! Ahhhh...memories:).