dissapointet gamespot raging blast 2 is worth so much more then you say it is
User Rating: 9.5 | Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 PS3
I am dissapointent in you gamestop very dissapointent ragging blast 2 is amazing truly amazing and you give it a mark of 5 out of 10 whats wrong with you guys namico bandai worked really hard on this game they have made way more attacks charecters couple new maps the new movie and charecters are incridable the combos are mint and it takes after dragon ball z kai if you havent notice gohans voice and freezas is diffrent they have tons of team attacks now visules ar ejust wow its like wacthing dragon ball z kai i am amazed atari dont worry about what thease sites rate you should continue to make more dragon ball z games like this this game is truly something the only thing it dose lack is gt charecters and super dragon fist with that everything will be here there be no more improvments honestley thought look back at how far dragon ball z has come think back to budokai 1 or tenkachi 1 they where horrable but this this is truly art i actuly feel like im a charecter from dbz when im playing this like look at what the fans have wrote all and all i think most people would agree with me this this is like 9 out of 10 even if your not a fan of dragonball buy this game i have friends oh have seen this that dident like dbz and they thought it was really something else i encourge everyone to buy this game keep supporting namcio bandai and they where support us write them thease reviews they will see the flaways and give us what we want they work hard on the game and they have my support if your a fan of dragon ball z this will truly blow you away if your not buy the game try it i gurntee you you will want it id pay a 100 dollers for this game thats how good i think it is thanks namico bandai truly a pieace of art