When will there be another great DBZ game?

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Ball: Raging Blast X360
When will they learn to stop using quantity over quality? Yes you get to use your favorite DBZ characters, but the gameplay is pretty shallow . They claim it has over 70 characters but, I only counted 42. Why do they count the transformations as extra characters? Maybe because they have different move sets it makes them a different character. So for example if Goku turns into a Super Saiyan so, he's not Goku anymore Super Saiyan Goku an entirely different character all together. Now with Raging Blast 2 now on the horizon Namco now promises over 90 characters which again they are counting the transformations attention Namco more isn't better, and another thing about the game is that they remove the blast stocks and everthing that made Tenkaichi 3 fun, I mean heck Budokai 3 is better than this game, and Burst Limit was even a huge disappointment where transforming was completely pointless. Now on to Infinite World what a huge step back from Budokai 3 everything that was great was taken out and replaced with crap it was like playing Budokai 2 all over again why do they continue to torture us fans with crappy DBZ games. Please Namco you owe it to us fans that you can make a great DBZ game once again.