Ok game.
-If you liked the original, you're going to like this one. The game keeps the combat engine that made the original such an excellent game. If you've played the original game, you'll pick this one up right away.
-If your memory card has save data from the first game, you will get some items in this game just for having that save data - a nice incentive to play the first game as well as this one.
-The selection of characters and battle locations is very nice. Like in the first game, there are a plethora of things to be unlocked - characters and stages included.
-Every character has no less than TWO outfits, and unlike the first game, the secondary outfits are NOT a big joke in this game!
-This is the first Dragon Ball Z fighting game that lets you play as Videl.
-Instead of a story mode, the game uses an adventure mode which takes place on a board. You must collect the Dragon Balls before your foes, and defeat them. Along the way, you can collect power-ups and things as well. This mode is ultimately more satisfying than the Story Mode of the previous year's game, though it may take you a little longer to get the hang of.
-The game always has a list of your character's special moves handy.
-You can customize characters to your liking.
-The game uses the voice actors from the TV series (English dub.)
-There's a two-player mode.
-The cel-shaded graphics look excellent. For an anime-based game, cel-shading is a good thing.
-The holographic cover is awesome.
-If you didn't like the original Budokai, you probably won't like this one much either.
-Though a good game, it can't hold your attention forever.
-I was hoping the game would use the voice actors from the original Japanese version (and provide English subtitles.) Oh well, we can't have it all, I guess.
-Not everyone likes cel shading.
-Some characters from last year's game don't return for this one. Among them are Gohan (child), Dodoria, Zarbon, and Android 19.)
-Imperfect Frieza and Imperfect Cell aren't here!
-Once again, the shop you go to to purchase capsules was done HORRIBLY. I was hoping they'd fix this after last year's game.
-You can't play as the fusion characters unless you actually perform a fusion skill!
-You can't use the fusion skill in the Dragon World and World Tournament modes! This is understandable in the Dragon World mode, but NOT in the Tournament mode.
-The story told in the Dragon World mode is VERY inaccurate. Babidi does NOT have the power to revive the dead! And that's just PART of the inaccuracies.
If you're a fan of Dragon Ball Z or you just like good tournament-style fighters, Budokai 2 is worth checking out. Sure, the game isn't anything revolutionary, but it's still great. The game is bound to receive mixed reviews, so I urge you to PLAY THE GAME rather than trust someone else's opinion of it.