This is a pretty good game

User Rating: 8.2 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 GC
This game is a really good game the only dissapointment was that they replaced the story mode with a board game but besides that this game is really fun i bought it awhile ago maybe a year and am stil playing it..DO not ask why im stil playing im just a dbz fan anyway this game has it's momenst i like how they made the ultimate attacks better by turning the joy-stick or tap buttons (so you don't wore out joy-stick)also what i didn't quite enjoy was not being able too play uub cause he was in the dbz series...but the graphics good, i like the ssj3 and ssj2 but i miss the transformations for frieza and cell besieds all that this game is good but i won't say you wil completely like it just rent before you buy.