This game is perfect for any fan of DBZ or anyone who likes fighting games.
There is also a world tournament mode, that keeps you entertained, and gives you currency in the game, which is used to buy capsules, levels, and different attires.
The sounds of the game are awesome, the music fits, and there's actually good voice overs, instead of crappy ones like in other games. Of course, when you're fighting, it does get kind of tiring hearing people yelling, "Kamehameha" over and over.
The multi-player is good, unless you're playing with someone who attacks you first, and keeps attacking without letting you even get back up. That get old really fast.
You can pick this game up and jump right in, it's not hard to learn how to play, and when you play, you get good at it pretty fast.
So, in all, this game is cool. If you have some extra money, and want something fun to keep you busy, for not too high. Buy this game, if you're a DBZ fan, you'll love it.