omg you have to get this game it is so fun and ill explain in my review.
User Rating: 10 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 PS2
dbzb3 is one of the better dragon ball z games of the budokai series because of the better graphics and game you know of budokai 1 the story line was short and was vary strange on how how you earnd people. it stopped at the cell saga. first was the sayin saga where it was the battle against raditz, vageta, and nappa. next was the friza saga it was obviosley the battle with friza and his 4 forms.then was the cell saga where you vs the androids and cell the life stelling is budokai 2 the stoy line was well craped-up.its like a chess board with 12 lv. the people are impossiable to get the only way to get them is to look here on game spot i mean seriosly that or you just get them by luck.
now budokai3 the game is all about lv. ups and staratages to beast the game the graphics are btter then all dbz games iv ever playd and thats a lot
so the story line i better the people are easyer to get so and more charicters. more skils to choos from if you dont have a copy of this game get one today and dont say this game sucks its bett er than anything