New characters,new adventure...

User Rating: 8.9 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 PS2
In Dragon Ball z Budokai 3, a "Hall of Fame" cast of warriors from Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and DBZ movies come together for a tournament of champions. With the power of the new Saiyan Overdrive Fighting System, players have unprecedented gameplay control and Dragon Ball Z authenticity. Players earn points, allowing them to customize their characters and create passwords to share custom characters via the Internet.
In this Dragon Ball z appars new characters,and new transformation.Also appars new combat a very godd game....!!!
He is the third installment in the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series begins another tournament of champions where only one fighter can prevail. As one of the characters from the Dragon Ball Z animated series, you can master an all-new fighting system that lets you teleport, juggle opponents, fly, and attack in a variety of ways. As you progress through the tournament, you can unlock up to 40 bonus characters from the DBZ universe.