Great fighting game to DBZ fans and fans of 3D fighters!
The gameplay is very fast-paced and the controls are spot-on perfect. Flying around the map is really fun and executing special moves and dragonrushes are really fun also. There are lots of combos for each charcater and the charcaters are balanced. 10/10
The graphics are the best in the budokai series. The cel-shading and the attacks are really nice. Charcater models look cool and so does the auras around the charcaters. The only problem is that backgrounds don't look that great. 9/10
Sound is really good in this game. Sound effects are alright and background music fits with the theme. There is a really cool feature where you can listen to charcaters from the anime which I really like. 9/10
This is a must have for DBZ fans and fans of 3D fighters. It surpasses the first two budokais and Tenkaichi 1 put together. You won't regret buying this game. 10/10
This is a really good game but there are some little problems like the lack of charcaters and the cutscenes. Overall, it's a game worth buying. 9/10